Holography, Black Holes and Information Theory

July 21 – 26, 2025. Buenos Aires, Argentina.

About the school

This edition of the Giambiagi School will focus on recent developments in theoretical high-energy physics, including the AdS/CFT correspondence and its ramifications, the quantum description of black holes, and the applications of quantum information theory to quantum field theory and quantum gravity. The lectures will be delivered by an outstanding lineup of speakers, including four recipients of the Dirac Medal and one Fields medalist, among other distinctions. Check out our poster here!

More about the school

The XXVII Giambiagi Winter School will be held from July 21 to 26, 2025, at the Department of Physics, Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences, University of Buenos Aires. This year’s theme, “Holography, Black Holes, and Information Theory”, will offer a series of introductory courses, each comprising two to four lectures, delivered by internationally renowned scientists.

The school is designed for doctoral and postdoctoral students, as well as advanced undergraduates in Physics. There is no registration fee, and scholarships may be available (subject to funding availability) to encourage participation from students at Argentinian universities and other Latin American institutions.

In addition, the program will feature poster sessions, providing participants the opportunity to present and discuss their own research.

Popular talks

There will be popular science talks by Juan Maldacena and José Edelstein.


Courses and talks

Pablo Bueno: TBA

BIO: Pablo Bueno is a professor at the University of Barcelona, Spain. His research interests include classical and quantum aspects of black holes and gravity, the interplay between quantum information and quantum fields, and holography. He is also the main scientific advisor for Quantum Fracture, the world’s most-popular science outreach YouTube channel in Spanish language.

Horacio Casini: TBA

BIO: Horacio Casini is a researcher for the National Scientific and Technical Council (CONICET) and a professor at Instituto Balseiro, Bariloche, Argentina. He has made major contributions to quantum field theory by exploiting the properties of quantum entanglement. He has been recently awarded the Dirac medal of the ICTP and previously received the New Horizons in Physics Prize.

José Edelstein: TBA

BIO: José Edelstein is a professor at the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain. He has contributed to many topics in theoretical high-energy physics, such as Seiberg-Witten theory, Chern-Simons supergravity, and causality constraints in AdS/CFT. He is also an award-winning writer and science communicator.

Johanna Erdmenger: TBA

BIO: Johanna Erdmenger is a professor at the University of Würzburg, Germany. Her research focuses on quantum field theory and the AdS/CFT correspondence, exploring both foundational aspects and applications in particle physics and condensed matter physics. She is a coauthor of the book “Gauge/gravity duality: foundations and applications” (Cambridge University Press, 2015).

Gaston Giribet: TBA

BIO: Gaston Giribet is a professor at New York University, USA. His research focuses on string theory and conformal field theory, with applications to black hole physics. One central theme of his research is the study of AdS/CFT in the stringy regime, i.e., beyond the supergravity approximation. He is also interested in different ramifications of holography.

Juan Maldacena: TBA

BIO: Juan Maldacena is a professor at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, USA. He has worked on string theory and discovered a connection between quantum gravity and ordinary quantum mechanical systems, the so-called gauge/gravity duality. He has worked on many areas of theoretical physics, including quantum aspects of black holes, gauge theories and cosmological perturbation theory. He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences and of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He received the Dannie Heineman Prize in Mathematical Physics of the APS, the Dirac medal of the ICTP and the Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics, among many others.

Jonathan Sorce: TBA

BIO: Jonathan Sorce is a postdoctoral researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA. He works on the interplay between quantum information theory, quantum field theory and quantum gravity, with an emphasis on the algebraic approach to quantum field theory and its mathematical aspects.

Tadashi Takayanagi: TBA

BIO: Tadashi Takayanagi is a professor at Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University. His main research contributions have been studies of quantum entanglement in the context of holography and quantum field theory. In particular, he discovered a holographic formula for entanglement entropy with Shinsei Ryu. He has recently been awarded the Dirac medal of the ICTP, and he is also recipient of the New Horizons in Physics Prize, among other distinctions.

Gonzalo Torroba: TBA

BIO: Gonzalo Torroba is a researcher at the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET) and a professor at the Instituto Balseiro in Bariloche, Argentina. His research interests include high-energy physics, condensed matter, and cosmology. He has recently made valuable contributions to the understanding of the renormalization group in quantum field theory.

Edward Witten: TBA

BIO: Edward Witten is a theoretical physicist known for his contributions to string theory, topological quantum field theory, and various areas of mathematics. He is a professor emeritus at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, USA. Witten is a researcher in string theory, quantum gravity, supersymmetric quantum field theories, and other areas of mathematical physics. He is a recipient of many honors, including the Fields Medal, the Dirac Medal, and the Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics.


The school will take place at the Cero+Infinito building in Ciudad Universitaria


Registration to the 27th edition of the Giambiagi School will be open from February 3 to March 7, 2025. To apply, click here.

For the selection of applicants priority will be given to PhD students working in the field, though postdocs and advanced undergraduates in Physics are also encouraged to apply. Scholarships may be available (subject to funding availability) to encourage participation from students at Argentinian universities and other institutions across Latin America.




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Organizing commitee

David Blanco, Alan Garbarz, Andrés Goya, Mauricio Leston, Guillem Pérez-Nadal